Paul Askew

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Saturday 9 June 2012

Yes Man (Ahem Woman)

The past few years have been pretty mad busy for me in terms of time, I have found myself being a real-life Yes Woman; 

After College (which was crazy in itself) at 18, I took a year out to go travelling, decided I wouldn't go to Uni as Uni seemed too boring for cool me, (the thought of people describing their first year at Uni as 'the best year ever' sickened me) came back from Australia to Liverpool for my sister's wedding, carried out Chief Bridesmaid duties, had a million just-an-hour catch ups with friends about the past year and then last minute three weeks later changed my travel snob views and went to UCLAN University. I had a surreal year in the place that is 'DePreston' meeting a range of characters (also meeting some gems!) and in between lectures (kinda),nights out, Miss Selfridge, I would travel to and from Liverpool every two weeks to see my boyfriend,friends and basically try to fit everything and everyone in (I am a sucker for saying yes to everything!)

Here is the epic point I am about to get at, saying yes to everyone aka trying to please school/college/travelling/uni/ friends, family and boyfriend was a bad choice. I look back on the last two and a half years and see it's absolutely flown by! When I was younger, I didn't believe older people when they said life goes fast, but with my 21st birthday rapidly approaching in October, I suddenly am having this kinda 20s-almost-mid-crisi thing going on, (dramatic I know). 

Over the past few years I have learnt to make everything count,(here comes the unintended cliches) invest time in the right people! I was trying to catch up with people all over the show and in the end it didn't work because really how many people can you physically keep up friendships with in life?! The friendships therefore had become thin and surface like, something which I really resented and I barely had anytime to do the things I love. 

Here comes the hard part, the part I really am crap at, sometimes it's choosing things over things and people over people. Sometimes going for five different coffee dates a week cannot be done, going out on a night out after a 10 hour shift isn't always possible and you can't always make your friend's party as much as you would love to! I used to think you can do it all, I though I was more super woman than yes woman to keep up with all the different friendship groups I had. (Not that I'm misses popular over here, I think most girls have had a serious problem also of being a 'Yes Woman')

Time and life goes so fast and it's never ever something you can get back. So often,it's easier for us to invest time in the things and people that aren't worth it. So do the things that you LOVE doing and be with the people that you truly want to be with, don't just 'catch up' to 'catch up' and tick it off the long list. Being a Maybe Woman suits me a lot more and I'll leave being a Yes Woman/Man to Jim Carey. 

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